After conservative blogger, Michelle Malkin, wrote a tweet gently mocking Alec Baldwin , for the spate of unhinged tweets he wrote about the execution of Troy Davis, Wednesday night, he fired off a series of tweets calling on his followers to attack her:
As a man of the left, Baldwin would have known that a barrage of vile, left-wing sputum would soon follow. Immediately, Malkin was under unrelenting, vicious attack by Baldwin’s rabid followers.
Screenshots via The Right Scoop:
A “Christian” follows these tweets with:
Even more vile screenshots below the fold:
This is why I have no patience for “the compassionate left”. Someone help me understand how you go from compassionate concern for a cop killer receiving the death penalty to ^ that!^ — What unholy hypocrites these people are.
Leftists have no compassion for the truly innocent and helpless. They have no true compassion or human decency at all. They’re all about breaking down the pillars of civilization, which is why they always come to the defense of cop-killers.
See also:
Audio: The Right Scoop: Glenn Beck: Michelle Malkin is one of the bravest people I know:
After the onslaught of hate tweets from Alec Baldwin and his minions last night, Glenn Beck not only read a few of the more offensive tweets on the air this morning, but praised Michelle Malkin saying that she is one of the bravest people he knows who isn’t afraid of really taking on the left. Of course, he then went into a few minutes of digging into the mindset of people who would tweet such hateful drivel.
Cross-posted at Left-Wing Institute For Civil Discourse.
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